
Event agency and industry leaders demand clarity and guidance from government 1023 684 micebook.

Event agency and industry leaders demand clarity and guidance from government

UK event agency leaders called for more clarity, guidance and support from the government at our micebook talks event last…

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Case study: BI Worldwide delivers post-lockdown European press launch for Toyota 901 600 micebook.

Case study: BI Worldwide delivers post-lockdown European press launch for Toyota

In keeping with our commitment to sharing best practice during the COVID-19 crisis, our latest micebook talks event saw BI…

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2022 before live events return predict agency leaders 901 600 micebook.

2022 before live events return predict agency leaders

Event agency heads shared their concerns over the lack of client confidence in going back to face-to-face events at our…

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Now the events industry has start date: what’s next? 1024 656 micebook.

Now the events industry has start date: what’s next?

The UK events industry finally received the good news last Friday that conferences and exhibitions will be permitted in England…

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Case Study: Delivering the first socially-distanced car launch 900 600 micebook.

Case Study: Delivering the first socially-distanced car launch

During our latest micebook talks last week, Honda and Noble Events shared how they worked together to deliver the first…

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Guest Blog: Can less ever be more asks Factor 3 Events 1024 641 micebook.

Guest Blog: Can less ever be more asks Factor 3 Events

Toby Kenyon, partner and creative director at Spanish DMC Factor3 Events, gives his take on impact of the COVID-19 pandemic…

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Micebook ‘talks’ Black Live Matters – top takeaways 901 600 micebook.

Micebook ‘talks’ Black Live Matters – top takeaways

Following the tragic death of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter global protests, we hosted a discussion last week…

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micebook reveals details for second extended virtual event 1024 419 micebook.

micebook reveals details for second extended virtual event

We’re thrilled to announce we’ll be hosting our second extended virtual event on 15 July, following the success of the…

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micebook talks to Industry Voices – the highlights  988 642 micebook.

micebook talks to Industry Voices – the highlights 

Event professionals are committed to working together to find practical ways to get Britain meeting again safely and as soon…

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