30-31 January 2023

Book in your team meet or annual kick-off meeting

micebook EXPO 2023

In addition to everything that the micebook EXPO brings to you and your organisation in terms of networking, conversations and content, we are offering you the space and opportunity to hold your annual kick-off meeting or team meet.

The Leadenhall Hub

  • A state-of-the-art meeting room
  • 1 hour 30 minute timeslot (limited slots available)
  • U-Shape format
  • Minimum 10 delegates – Maximum 27 delegates
  • Unlimited fresh tea, coffee, and snacks from the Nourish spaces
  • AV including projector, screen, wireless microphone, wireless remote and Wi-Fi

Cost: £225
All attending team members must commit to 3x or more exhibitor appointments over the 2 day event (exceptions may be made for nineteen members).

Full details and T&C available on submission of your enquiry.

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