New Openings

25 European hotels we can’t wait to check out 1024 559 micebook.

25 European hotels we can’t wait to check out

In part two of our 100 hotels we can’t wait to visit feature, we share 25 hot new properties across…

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25 new UK hotels we can’t wait to check out 1024 752 micebook.

25 new UK hotels we can’t wait to check out

100 hotels around the world we can’t wait to visit – part 1 To celebrate our 100th Departure Lounge bulletin…

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Event planners’ guide to… Liverpool 1024 591 micebook.

Event planners’ guide to… Liverpool

Named as a MICE destination to watch by Pacific World, Liverpool is a city with impressive sporting, musical, historic and…

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Event planners’ guide to… Manchester 1024 683 micebook.

Event planners’ guide to… Manchester

This week, we were due to host micebook’s first event in Manchester at the recently opened Hotel Brooklyn. While we…

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micebook partners with London & Partners and Hotel Brooklyn for Manchester event 1024 576 micebook.

micebook partners with London & Partners and Hotel Brooklyn for Manchester event

Be among the first #eventprofs to check out Manchester’s hottest new property – Hotel Brooklyn – and look ahead to…

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Radisson Hotel Gorizont opening in Russia
Radisson to open new property in Russia 1024 575 micebook.

Radisson to open new property in Russia

Mister Micebook is on a Russian mission to discover the new Radisson property… Radisson Hotel Group will be opening a…

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aerial view of the londoner
London’s hottest new hotel openings for 2020 1024 576 micebook.

London’s hottest new hotel openings for 2020

Madame Micebook adores her hometown during Fashion Week to check out London’s hottest new hotels… The tour of fashion week cities…

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Destination Touchdown: Brussels 1024 683 micebook.

Destination Touchdown: Brussels

With the climate emergency intensifying, Mister Micebook heads off on the rail trail… Mister Micebook loves a Eurostar escape, and…

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Three stylish hotels in Milan 1024 576 micebook.

Three stylish hotels in Milan

The tour of fashion week cities continues for dapper Mister Micebook… It’s the third fashion week city trip for Mister…

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