The team is on hand to help you set up your profile, but for some initial hints and tips to get the most out of your listing, take a look at the setup guidelines and recommendations below. For any other questions please visit the FAQs page or contact the team on [email protected]
Web Browser
Use Google Chrome to build your profile
Email Address
Email address in Account Information is a unique email address that is the administrator email address – not the one that clients see. If there is already a profile set up with this email address it won’t let you register another one with it.
Image Sizes
Ensure the images you wish to use are ones that you have the right to use on a public website and that they are a good resolution. For fast page loading speed we recommend around 200KB. You won’t be able to upload any larger than 5MB.
Website URL
For the web address you MUST type in http:// before www. If you don’t it won’t save.